Success Is Guaranteed.

It is an undeniable fact that importance of success cannot be neglected in this competitive era.

I would like to quote an example related this topic: there was a king he received a gift of two birds from someone then king ordered to bring up in his garden. After a month king asked about their upbringing so he was told that one of the birds is flying and having much improvement but the other one is just sitting at branch of tree and never flown even much efforts done. So Kind called all doctors to make him fly. Nobody could not make him fly. At the end kind ordered to take the person who loves nature so there was a person found in forest then taken to King. He was given the same task. He went to park to the birds and came back after five minutes and the same bird which was not trying to fly he started flying.

King was surprised and asked the man that how did he do and what he did? The man replied: I just cut the branch of the tree where he was sitting continuously.

  • The moral is: people never want to come out from their comfort zone that is why they do not progress in their lives so to achieve bigger target you have to expand yourself and resources to have success.