
Studying art in school improves students’ performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled student’s to learn new things. That’s why art should be obligatory in schools. Do you agree or disagree.

Contemporary studies along with academics play a key role in tailoring skills. Some people agree this opinion however some disagree and consider indulging children in arts and craft studies is a waste of time. However this essay emphasis on the importance or studying arts in school because of its numerous advantages which we will discuss hereunder.
Art is a vast field of study and is not limited to fine arts, sculptures, pottery, and embroidery and so on. It is multifarious group of studies design to tailor student’s skills. For example, computer practicing has become part of academics besides theoretical knowledge. The reason is usefulness in practical life.
Apart from technical arts hand art are also been taught in schools so that children may become eligible to become bread earner in their home. Example of such hand arts is electrician, plumbing, ceramic works. These are mostly taught in technical schools. Example of such schools are Safi and Usman Institute of Technology where diploma courses are help for Matric students. The purpose is to enable them fetch burden of their studies.
In addition to technical education women are encouraged to learn art and crafts like sewing, stitching, tailoring and many more skills. These skills help them in their practical life even if they are not highly educated. Let suppose in Pakistan where female are deprived of gaining higher studies. These skills can shape them as a productive person, for this purpose numerous recreational centers have been established.
In concluding, advantages of studying Arts in school outweigh its disadvantages. It develops multitasking ability along with sharpening one’s mind.